Organic Herbs

Organic Herbs

Herb Selection (12 individual herb boxes) - Suma

  • £15.99 Available at The Vegan Kind
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Vegan Food Cupboard
  • Description
  • Suma has a long history of providing quality herbs and spices in handy packs for the kitchen.

    In response to changing demand, we've produced a range of organic herbs for those wishing to stock up in one quick go, and we've ensured that a pack has extra of the most popular herbs and spices. With a bit of imagination and knowledge, you can use these to create delicious meals in your own kitchen.

    Grown with care for the environment - no artificial fertilisers or pesticides guaranteed.

    Packed in recyclable boxes.

    Certified by the Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Association.

    Basil, Bay Leaves, 2 x Black Peppercorns, Garlic Granules, 2 x Mixed herbs, Oregano, Parsley, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme

    Brand: Suma
    Price last checked: 16-11-2022 12:36
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