Organic Kale

Organic Kale

Kale (~300g)

  • £2.29 Available at The Vegan Kind
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Vegan Superfoods
  • Description
  • Fresh bag of organic kale (300g)

    Kale is hailed as a superfood due to being one of the most nutrient dense vegetables that is easy to add to vegan recipes.

    Kale contains calcium, vitamins C and K, iron, and a wide range of other nutrients that can help prevent various health problems.

    It also contains antioxidants help the body remove unwanted toxins that result from natural processes and environmental pressures.

    Why not add some organic kale your next vegan meal?

    Is all kale vegan?

    The reason that some fruits and vegetables are classed as non-vegan is due to the chemicals used, often pesticides, to make the kale look and grow better.

    Brand: Fresh Veg
    Price last checked: 21-02-2023 15:16
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